Mark Soberman
NetPicks Founder

Invest Once, Earn Forever - Generate Passive Income Without the Effort
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
From active hustle to 100% Passive Income. We'll show you how to turn time into income without the hustle. Diversify for maximum returns, and eventually replace your income.  You can copy strategies I use to generate a six-figure income.  Join me live for free including exciting 2024 developments!

Wednesday, June 5th 

@ 12:00pm EST/11am CST/10am MST/9am PST/4pm GMT
What You Will Learn On This FREE Training:
  • Effortless Earning: Duplicate my exact strategies to build multiple income streams that require minimal effort yet deliver consistent returns, 
  • Trade Less, Earn More: Get consistent returns even when you're not actively trading. It's about making every dollar work smarter for you, not harder.
  • Copyable 100% Passive Income Formulas: Follow the exact income recipes I use step-by-step to start generating your personal passive income streams
  • Unlock Continuous Capital:  Ensure a steady influx of capital from your passive streams, which can be reinvested for high-return opportunities 
  • Investing Formulas Work In All Markets & All Account Sizes:  Bull or Bear Market.  Boom times or recession.  Does not matter.  With many investments starting at $50 and up.
This Live training is limited so act now!
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