How to Put $1,685.33 In Your
Pocket Every Month…

An easy way to add extra cash to your bank account every month… Like clockwork.

So you’ll never worry about running out of money in retirement!

The solution is simple, subscribe to the Dividend Tree Newsletter.

A few years ago we launched the Dividend Tree Newsletter at NetPicks. Now it’s the most popular dividend newsletter we publish!

I know you’re wondering - who is NetPicks and why am I listening to you?

First a little about us… NetPicks was founded back in 1996.

Yea, we’ve been around for over 29 years!

Our goal is to help individuals become better investors… and that’s what we do. Over the last 29 years, we’ve helped over 400,000 people learn about investing.

Our team includes finance industry veterans. Team members have run their own business, invested in stocks and bonds, real estate, options, crypto, and everything in between.

There’s nothing we love more than researching and studying the stock market. We could talk for days about the economy, trading, and the amazing businesses that are traded on the stock exchange.

We’re passionate about investing, and frankly, we’re good at it.

Here’s what makes us different.

We’re not a big bank, or brokerage firm. We’re never going to ask to “Manage” your money. Heck, we want you to do it yourself… so you never risk being taken advantage of.

For the last few years, we’ve been publishing the Dividend Tree Newsletter, to give people just like you our best ideas for generating cash flow month in and month out with dividend stocks.

We have a team of people working on this research… which includes a number of millionaires. So you know we’ve got smart people working hard for you.

When you join the Dividend Tree Newsletter, we ask you to commit 15 minutes a month to your retirement efforts.

Yep - that’s all the time we ask for.

Of course if you want to spend more time researching and learning with us, we’ll never say no!

You just need 15 minutes a month to regularly monitor your investments. So you know what to do as the market changes, as the economy goes through its normal cycles, and companies announce quarterly updates.

You’re probably wondering…

How Much Can You Make?

Listen. The Dividend Tree is focused on cash flow… real money you can put in your bank account and spend.

We’re not concerned as much with huge price gains, and massive runups in stocks (although we’ll never be unhappy with our portfolio moving higher!).

Let me share with you a little math.

If right now, you’d buy JUST 250 shares of each stock in the portfolio… you’d collect more than $20,244 every year.

That’s a fast $1,685.33 every single month.

And of course, there’s no limit to how many shares you can purchase. We give you all the information you need to make the critical decisions.

Let me ask you a question.

What would you do with an extra $1,685.33 every month?

Now I know what you’re thinking.

What do you get EXACTLY when you sign up?

The Dividend Tree Newsletter is sent out monthly. We uncover some of the best dividend investments… focused on low risk ideas that generate income!

What makes us different is we’re never asking you to “Bet the Farm”.

Remember we want to eliminate your worries about running out of money in retirement.

We want you to enjoy your golden years.

Here’s how it works.

Every month we’ll rush to you a single trade alert highlighting one stock we think you should add to your portfolio.

But we don’t just send you a stock ticker… we share our research on this stock, and outline why we like it.

To keep us honest, we even share the risks around this investment - what might go wrong. So you can see with your own eyes the full picture of this investment.

This stock fits into a bigger portfolio that allows you to create your own retirement plan.

We hand you all this on a silver platter.

But that’s not all…

Mid-month, we will also send you a regular portfolio update.

This includes critical market news, updates on the portfolio… plus recommendations on any changes we’re making. (yes we occasionally sell stocks - often to move into something better.)

We’re always sharing bits of knowledge about the markets, investing, and dividend stocks. You’re never going to be wondering “What do I do next!?”

But the monthly trade alerts and mid-month updates isn’t everything.

We also give you a whole basket of… Bonus Reports!

These bonus reports will help you get started quickly and make the most out of your Dividend Tree subscription.

When you take action now, I’m going to give you a few special Bonuses.

Bonus #1 - Special Report: What’s Your Number? How much do you need to retire?

This report walks you step by step through the process of calculating exactly how much money you need to retire. We share the hard, detailed method to really get at the numbers - PLUS we give you 2 “cheater” methods to get you to your number quickly.

This bonus is over 40 pages long and could sell for $499… Yours free when you subscribe.

Bonus #2 - Special Report: A Radical Way To Live Off Dividends

If there’s one report that could change your life, this is it.

Inside we share a NEW WAY to think about your investment dollars and how to put them to work. This “Dividend Matching” process will give you a strategy to reach your goal of NEVER worrying about money in retirement - ever.

We’ve put a price of $299 on this report - but again… Yours free when you subscribe.

Bonus #3 - Special Report: Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)

We get this question more than anything else - should I sign-up for a DRIP program. Inside this extensive report we cover all the Pros and Cons of Dividend Reinvestment Programs… and give you our honest thoughts…

Our answer will probably shock you. Yours free when you subscribe.


Bonus #4 - Special Report: The 2025 Quick Start Portfolio

The 2025 Quick Start Guide is all new and updated for 2025. It covers our 5 favorite stocks to buy right now. If you’re new to the service, these are the first 5 stocks we think you should add to your portfolio.

All of these bonus reports are yours when you join The Dividend Tree Newsletter.

Here’s my Unbelievable Offer…

Look, I want to get the Dividend Tree newsletter into your hands right now - especially if you’re retired, or about to be in the next 10 years.

Imagine for a moment focusing on your retirement investments for only 15 minutes a month.

After that, you spend the rest of your time doing things you love.

Spending time with your kids and grandkids… Traveling and seeing the world… volunteering… spending time at church… Golfing, or working out… you get to spend your time however you want.

You do all this without worrying about your money… or more specifically running out of money.

You’ll know exactly what your investments are doing…. And how much cash you’ll see every month.

What does all this cost?

I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised by what I’m going to say.

First, let me give you some context.

If you were to give your money to a professional money manager… they normally charge 1% of your assets.

It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up.

If you have a nest egg of $100,000 - that fee is $1,000

Investing $500,000? The fee is $5,000

Investing $1 million? The fee you’ll pay is $10,000.

Oh and your “professional money manager” will charge you that every year!

Invest your $500,000 for 5 years and you get the privilege of paying your money manager… $25,000.00


After you subscribe to the Dividend Tree newsletter, you’ll get access to the entire Dividend Portfolio!

And we won’t even charge you an arm and a leg.

Remember, I want you to get this newsletter.

I want you to devour the information.

I want you to buy the shares of stock we recommend.

Then, I want you to send me emails about how these investments have changed your retirement life!

So here’s my deal.

Today, a one year subscription to the Dividend Tree Newsletter is $250.

That’s it.

$250 a year… which works out to just over $4.79 a week - you spend more than that on one cup of coffee!

Now I’ve got a business to run, and I’ve got to feed my family.

So to get this deep discount today… for you to get “peace of mind” in retirement… I ask for 2 things in return.

First when you sign up, you need to agree to be on our auto-billing system.

It allows us to keep our costs low, and it ensures you’ll keep getting our quality content and research month in and month out.

I never want you to miss a single newsletter.

Plus when we raise prices (which we do every few years) it ensures your subscription rate will never go up.

Second, I’m going to ask you to send me an email within 30 days of subscribing.
I want you to tell me which of the stocks you purchased in the portfolio… then I want you to calculate how much you’re going to make in dividends EVERY YEAR.

I’d love to hear how much money you’re going to put in your pocket over the next 12 months!

Trust me, you’ll be happy to send me that email!

You know why?

Because like most who send me that email… They also share with me how they’re spending their money! Are you paying down debt? Taking a vacation? Helping the kids or grandkids?

Tell me how you’re spending your steady stream of cash hitting your bank account every month.

I want you to…


If you’re ready, click the “join now” button below.
Here’s everything you get with your no-risk subscription to the Dividend Tree Newsletter… 
  • 12 issues of the Dividend Tree Newsletter
  • Mid-Month Updates so you have real time information on the entire portfolio
  • Access to the entire Portfolio of Dividend stocks.
  • Access to the Newsletter Archive - with YEARS of articles.
  • ​Access to the Special Report Archive.
  • ​Instant Email Alerts so you’re always up to date.
  • ​Optional SMS alerts (Text Messages) for early notifications
  • ​Bonus #1 - Special Report: What’s Your Number? How much do you need to retire? ($499 value)
  • ​Bonus #2 - Special Report: A Radical Way To Live Off Dividends ($299 value) 
  • ​Bonus #3 - Special Report: Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)
  • ​Bonus #4 - Special Report: The 2025 Quick Start Portfolio
Considering your financial advisor might charge between $1,000.00, $3,000.00, or even $10,000.00 a year… and he provides NONE of these services… our prices are a steal.

And here’s my guarantee to you:

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

This is the best guarantee we offer. If you’re ever not satisfied with our newsletter - cancel at any time. We’ll be glad to issue you a prorated refund for the unused portion of your service.

It’s that simple.

And if you do decide to cancel, all the special reports and Newsletters we’ve sent are yours to keep.

Why am I willing to offer this guarantee?

Because I’m 100% certain you’ll see the incredible value with everything I’m offering.

Are you ready to Join…

Click the link below and sign-up now.

Sign-up For 
The Dividend Tree Newsletter 
Now For Only $250 per year
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
P.S. - if you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was... for just $250, you're getting a one year subscription to The Dividend Tree Newsletter...  PLUS $898 in free Special Reports... including the Special Report “What’s Your Number… How Much Do You Need To Retire?”  AND the Special Report “A RADICAL WAY To Live Off Dividends”

Copyright 2022-2025 Spirit Funds, LLC DBA NetPicks 16211 N Scottsdale Rd, Suite #A6A-295 Scottsdale, AZ 85254  
FOR EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY; NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. NetPicks Services are offered for educational and informational purposes only and should NOT be construed as a securities-related offer or solicitation or be relied upon as personalized investment advice. We are a financial publisher. We are not financial advisors and cannot give personalized advice. There is a risk of loss in all trading, and you may lose some or all of your original investment. Results presented are not typical. Never make any investment or trade with our first consulting with your investment advisor and after doing your own due diligence. This webpage and website is protected by copyright laws of the United states and international treaties.