I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised by what I’m going to say.
First, let me give you some context.
If you were to give your money to a professional money manager… they normally charge 1% of your assets.
It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up.
If you have a nest egg of $100,000 - that fee is $1,000
Investing $500,000? The fee is $5,000
Investing $1 million? The fee you’ll pay is $10,000.
Oh and your “professional money manager” will charge you that every year!
Invest your $500,000 for 5 years and you get the privilege of paying your money manager… $25,000.00
After you subscribe to the Dividend Tree newsletter, you’ll get access to the entire Dividend Portfolio!
And we won’t even charge you an arm and a leg.
Remember, I want you to get this newsletter.
I want you to devour the information.
I want you to buy the shares of stock we recommend.
Then, I want you to send me emails about how these investments have changed your retirement life!
So here’s my deal.
Today, a one year subscription to the Dividend Tree Newsletter is $250.
That’s it.
$250 a year… which works out to just over $4.79 a week - you spend more than that on one cup of coffee!
Now I’ve got a business to run, and I’ve got to feed my family.
So to get this deep discount today… for you to get “peace of mind” in retirement… I ask for 2 things in return.
First when you sign up, you need to agree to be on our auto-billing system.
It allows us to keep our costs low, and it ensures you’ll keep getting our quality content and research month in and month out.
I never want you to miss a single newsletter.
Plus when we raise prices (which we do every few years) it ensures your subscription rate will never go up.
Second, I’m going to ask you to send me an email within 30 days of subscribing.
I want you to tell me which of the stocks you purchased in the portfolio… then I want you to calculate how much you’re going to make in dividends EVERY YEAR.
I’d love to hear how much money you’re going to put in your pocket over the next 12 months!
Trust me, you’ll be happy to send me that email!
You know why?
Because like most who send me that email… They also share with me how they’re spending their money! Are you paying down debt? Taking a vacation? Helping the kids or grandkids?
Tell me how you’re spending your steady stream of cash hitting your bank account every month.
I want you to…